UK’s Gritter Fleet

UK's Gritter Fleet

With the UK currently under an Amber weather warning, the UK’s gritter fleet are out in force.


The UK has over 530 girtters on the road based at 128 depots across England, Scotland and Wales. This also equates to one gritter for every eight miles of road. 

We also have 12 snow blowers, which can remove up to 1,200 tonnes of snow per hour.

A tradition of naming gritters which began in Scotland has now spread across the country.

According to a BBC poll, the public’s favourite gritter names are:

BFG (Big Friendly Gritter)

Sir David Atenbrrr

Gritter Thunberg

Walter the Salter

Hansel and Grit-all

The Ice Destroyer

Ready, Spready Go!

Always be Grit-full


Mega Melter

Other favourites include David Plowie, Gritsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Anti-Slip Machiney and Gritney Spears.


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You can follow the locations of the gritters in Scotland here. Some other local councils have followed suit and put it to the public to name their fleet of gritters. Walsall council's 5 gritters (Selena Snowmez, Thaws Hammer, Snow Trouble, Gritzilla and Grittendor) can be tracked live here so locals can find out which roads will be covered.

National Highways also reminds motorists to keep TRIP in mind ahead of journeys – Top-up: oil, water, screenwash; Rest: rest every two hours; Inspect: inspect tyres and lights and Prepare: check your route and the weather forecast.


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